NBAA Business Aviation Insider – Light Airplane Part of Company’s Recipe for Success
I recently had the honor of being featured in the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) Business Aviation Insider Magazine. This story illustrates my use of our company’s Cirrus SR22 Turbo aircraft to reach out to our customers and provide world class service at a moments notice. At a time when many businesses are sitting on the porch waiting for business to improve, we’re actually making it happen by visiting and connecting with our customers. Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely love technology – yet, I’m also a very firm believer that there’s no amount of technology that can replace the value of a face-to-face meeting. Personal relationships are paramount to our success and our business aircraft enables allows us to take those relationships to new heights time and time again.
Here’s a little “behind the scenes” look at what went into the making of this article: I met with a very talented individual named Dan Hubbard who conducted the interview for this story. Dan is NBAA’s Senior Vice President of Communications and does his job extremely well. He’s got the ability to ask thought provoking questions to elicit meaningful responses which truly get to the heart of the story. In a matter of minutes I felt like I was having a conversation about business aviation with an old friend instead of doing a magazine interview. The result speaks for itself as you read through how well the article turned out. Dan was accompanied by Morgan Anderson of Morgan Anderson Photography who took the phenomenal shots you’ll see in the article. Morgan estimated that he took over 1,000 shots over the course of an all day photo shoot. Morgan is one of the best in the business and clearly loves what he does. From the moment I met him until the time when we parted ways he constantly had multiple cameras snapping away amazing pictures. Just like Dan, I found Morgan to be very friendly and really enjoyed spending time with him. After a tour of our corporate headquarters in the morning, we headed over to Showalter Flying Service at Orlando Executive Airport. The great folks at Showalter were extremely gracious allowing us the use of a conference room facility as well as their front ramp for the photo shoot. Soon, we loaded up our bags and took off in the Cirrus headed to Atlanta together for a business meeting I needed to attend. This allowed me to demonstrate my real-world use of business aviation which allowed us to have a full productive day in Orlando and less than two hours later be all the way up in Atlanta headed to a business meeting. This type of productivity simply wouldn’t have been possible at any price without the use of a business aircraft. While this article is unique, the story of our use of business aviation aircraft isn’t. Each and every week we use our aircraft to reach out and get more business done. The destinations change, but the end result is the same – business aviation simply works for growing a successful business.
You can read the complete article in the NBAA Business Aviation Insider Magazine.
The article is also available:
In PDF Form:
I hope that you enjoy reading the article as much as I enjoyed participating in the creation of it. Again, a special thanks to NBAA, Dan Hubbard, Morgan Anderson, and all of the great staff at Showalter Flying Service for making this article a reality.
1 Comment
about 14 years agoBrad, It is business people like you that will keep our country thriving in the global economy. You understand that a business airplane means "business" and utilize it to its fullest ability. Thank you for the kind words. That is why we are here, to make businesses like yours get the most out of your time and aircraft. Thanks, B-Rad and Showalter Team